Keep your pets safe by mirco-chipping!Show your love by micro-chipping. Our pets are inquisitive and curious by nature, its one of the things as owners we find so endearing. But there can come an occasion where our little fur babies can wander a little too far for their own good or our liking. One good way to increase the chances of being reunited with our pets that have run away, gotten lost, or even stolen, is to have them micro-chipped. Micro-chipping has grown increasingly popular in recent years because it’s a relatively inexpensive procedure that can help save a pet’s life. Micro-chipping involves implanting a small device into the scruff of an animal’s neck. When scanned, it identifies the pet’s unique ID number, allowing them to be traced back to their rightful owner. One of the primary concerns of a pet owner is keeping it safe. Many pet owners believe that having their yard fenced in, electric fence, or a collar on their pet is enough to ensure safety. But the reality is that collars fall off or be easily removed, and some dogs are highly creative when it comes to sneaking out. While micro-chipping cannot guarantee your pet will be found, having them chipped is an extra safeguard that if it is found, it can be identified easily. One of the first things a shelter or rescue will do when a pet is brought to them is to check to see if the animal has a chip. A study from 2009 showed that 74% of found dogs and 63.5% of cats turned into shelters were reunited with their owners all due to micro-chipping. Microchips also help to prove ownership of your pet in the event that he or she has come into the wrong hands. How does it work? Does it hurt?The microchipping procedure is quick and painless. The veterinary professional implants the microchip in the loose skin around the folds of the neck, or between the shoulder blades. The chip itself is about the size of a grain of rice. Because it’s as painless as getting a vaccination or routine shot, no anesthetic is needed. There is also no post-procedure recovery time or harmful effects. Its also relatively inexpensive. Of course, the decision whether or not to chip your pet is entirely up to you. For most people, though, it is an affordable precaution they can take to ensure their pets safe return in case of an accidental escape. And while it does not work as a gps or tracking device, it will identify yourself and your pet if it is taken to a professional. Talk to your vet about pricing and success stories at your next visit if interested!
Lourdes MassengillI love grooming and dogs are my life :-) Archives
November 2021